Portfolio Goals

project goals

A project aim is the intended business outcome that the project should attain. This could be creating a specific amount of revenue, resolving a problem, or providing an exceptional customer experience. Project management goals, on the other hand, are more closely tied to the management process. As a project manager, your purpose may be to make good use of resources, regulate budgets, or establish suitable procedures.

Project goals establish a clear direction with concentration. They define what must be accomplished and direct the team's efforts toward a unified goal, avoiding wasted time and resources.

project overview

A project overview is a concise summary of a project's goals, scope, and structure. It includes a project title, purpose, background, context, scope, deliverables, timeline, resources, stakeholders, risks and mitigations, and success criteria. The project title should clearly define the project's objectives, background, scope, and deliverables. The project's scope should include its boundaries, deliverables, timeline, resources, stakeholders, and potential risks. The success criteria should be defined to measure the project's success.

project steps
  • Project Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title.
  • Project Purpose and Objectives: Define the project's purpose and primary objectives.
  • Background and Context: Explain the context leading to the project and any relevant issues, needs, or opportunities.
  • Scope: Describe the project's boundaries and limitations, including what is included and excluded.
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project results

Generating good results in a project, especially one focused on community service, involves strategic planning, effective execution, and continuous improvement.

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